Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dollar hyamdrah tsagaar mongold zochilbol

Евро цагаар 2008.03.06 -ны 00.45 минутанд Англын нэг фунт 1.9915 байснаа 2.0360 болход манай төв банкинд 1172 хавидаа зогссоор л байх юм энэ нь төв банкныхан Ам долларт тэгтлээ хайртайн шинжүү эсвэл манай хэд ажилаа хийж чаддаггүй илрэл үү

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm Sonja McDonell, 23, Swiss Airlines Stewardess with 13 cities in oversea, very tender with much fantasies at emergency cases in my wonderful job. Lesbian sex is an established part in the worlwide society since the early 1900. We've some cells in our brains in a young age, wich so called normal girls don't have. These cells become active during the early puberty, mostly with ~ 12 yo, depending on the countries. They can never be erased & it's important to keep them active. men have 2 minutes to fill girls & we make love often during hours - this is the difference.